Ruimin Sun
Assistant Professor
School of Computing and Information Science
Florida International University
Email:  rsun AT fiu dot edu
Office:   CASE 360
Address:   11200 SW 8th Street, Miami, FL, USA 33199
Ruimin Sun joined Florida International University as an assistant professor in 2022. Prior to joining FIU, she worked as a Postdoctoral Researcher at the seclab of Northeastern University.  She earned her Ph.D. from FICS at the University of Florida in 2019 under the supervisory of Dr. Daniela Oliveira.
Ruimin's research aims at solving security problems in various systems and devices. Her recent work dedicates to advancing security measures in AI applications, embedded applications, which are deployed in mobile platforms, industrial control systems, and so on. Some of the other research interests include malware detection and mitigation, and software reliability improvement. Ruimin's work has been supported by NSF and DHS.
[Hiring!]  Talented and self-motivated students with skills in software engineering, machine learning, mobile security, embedded systems are always welcomed. If you are  not a student of FIU and are interested in my research, please apply to our program!


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  • [Jul. 2023] Our ADvanced education and research for Machine learning-driven critical Infrastructure REsilience (ADMIRE) Center (PI: Hadi Amini) is Awarded by DHS. Congratulations to the team!
  • [Jul. 2023] Our paper The Case for Virtual PLC-enabled Honeypot Design has been awarded the Best Paper Award  by RICSS @EuroS&P. Congratulations to Samin and Brandon!
  • [Jul. 2023] Our paper Unsafe Behavior Detection with Adaptive Contrastive Learning in Industrial Control Systems has been accepted by RICSS @EuroS&P. Congratulations to the team!
  • [Mar. 2023] I'm serving on the PC of CCS, RAID, SecDev, and ICCCN. Consider submit your paper.
  • CFP [Jan. 2023] I'm chairing the 1st workshop on Re-design Industrial Control Systems with Security (RICSS), happening on July 7, 2023, in Delft, Netherlands, co-located with IEEE EuroS&P 2023. Consider submit your paper CFP.
  • [Jan. 2023] Our proposal Trustworthy Lifecycle Modeling of CPS using Formal Methods is funded by NSF CITES.
  • [Dec. 2022] Our work ShadowNet: A Secure and Efficient On-device Model Inference System for Convolutional Neural Networks is going to appear in IEEE S&P 2023.
  • [June 2022] Our work Online Binary Models are Promising for Distinguishing Temporally Consistent Computer Usage Profiles is accepted by IEEE Transactions on Biometrics, Behavior, and Identity Science.
  • CFP [May 2022] I'm serving as Guest Editor at Special Issue on Memory-based Malware and other Unconventional Threats at ACM Journal Digital Threats: Research and Practice.
  • [April 2022] Our work D-Box: DMA-enabled compartmentalization for embedded applications is presented at NDSS 2022.
  • [Mar 2022] I'm going to join FIU as a tenure-track assistant professor. Send me an email if you are interested in security research.
  • [Dec 2021] Our work D-Box: DMA-enabled compartmentalization for embedded applications is accepted by NDSS'22.
  • [Mar 2021] I'm going to teach CS 3740 - Systems Security at Northeastern University.
  • [Mar 2021] Our Sok study on PLC attacks and formal verifiation-based protection is to appear at EuroS&P'21.
  • [Jan 2021] Our large-scale study on the (in)security of on-device machine learning models is to appear at USENIX Security'21..
  • [June 2020] Our work on Mind Your Weight(s): A Large-scale Study on Insufficient Machine Learning Model Protection in Mobile Apps is presented at webinar of Future of Privacy Forum (FPF).
  • [May 2020] Our work on praise for defensive programing is accepted by TDSC.
  • [May 2020] Our work on MITOS: Optimal Decisioning for the Indirect Flow Propagation Dilemma in Dynamic Information Flow Tracking is accepted by ICDCS.
  • [Aug 2019] I'm excited to Join NEU as a Postdoctoral Research Associate.
  • [Jan 2019] I'm selected as Student Program Committee of S&P 2019.
  • [Aug 2018] I'm invited as Program Committee of ISSRE 2018 Fast Abstract Track.
  • [Aug 2018] I give my talk Sherlock: An AI-based Event-driven System Behavior Diagnosing Approach at VMware
  • [May 2018] I'll start my internship researching on malware detection with AI at VMware.
  • [Feb 2018] I'm happy to give my talk - Leveraging Unpredictabilities for Real-time Malware Mitigation at Miami University, Ohio.
  • [Feb 2018] I'm invited to be a reviewer of IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security (TIFS).
  • [Oct 2017]I attend Grace Hopper Celebration conference as a scholar.
  • [Aug 2017]I presented at the DSC conference in Taipei, Taiwan.
  • [Aug 2017]I'm giving my talk at Beihang University for my work Understanding Application Sensitivity towards OS (mis)Behavior and How Diverse Environments Improve Software Availability.
  • [May 2017]I received the Scholarship for 2017 Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing.
  • [May 2017]Our paper The Dose Makes the Poision - Leveraging Uncertainty for Effective Malware Detection is accepted by DSC 2017.
  • [Aug 2016]Our paper Bear: A Framework for Understanding Application Sensitivity to OS (Mis)Behavior is accepted by ISSRE 2016.
  • [2015]Chameleon story got published on Alligator.
  • [2015]Our paper "The Case for Unpredictability as Deception as OS Features" will appear in the August issue of ;login.
  • [2015]I receive the GREPSEC II Travel Award.
  • [2015]Our paper The Case for Less Predictable Operating System Behavior is accepted by HotOS 2015.

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